4 Tips For Pressure Washing Your Patio

Pressure washing your deck, driveway, or patio is always a hot topic for new homeowners. Why? It can be surprisingly tricky to get the layer of mildew and dirt off. If you do not take caution with pressure washing, you could end up damaging your masonry elements or even worse – cause water damage to the interior of your home from having water blow back at you.

Start with a lower-pressure setting

Start with a lower-pressure setting and work up from there. If you use too much pressure, you'll likely damage the stone or other material that makes up your patio. Start at a low setting and gradually increase the pressure until you find what works best for that particular stain or type of stone.

Spread out your pattern more

Spread out your pattern more than you think you need to. If you're using a brush attachment on your pressure washer, it's easy to get in a groove and just keep going in the same direction over and over again. However, if you're using a mop or spray nozzle, this won't be a problem as much — but if you're using a brush attachment, make sure that you take care to spread out your pattern more than you think you need to.

Establish a clear work pattern and stick to it

You've probably heard this before, but it certainly bears repeating here. You should always establish a clear work pattern before starting any job and then stick to that pattern as closely as possible throughout the project. This way, you won't waste time taking unnecessary steps over and over again — instead of re-cleaning an area that is already clean — and you won't ruin any part of the project by skipping an important step (such as wetting down all surfaces before cleaning).

Be patient and allow ample time for the project to finish

Be patient and allow ample time for the project to finish. Pressure washing takes longer than other cleaning methods because you're using water pressure to clean rather than using chemicals or soap. Patience is key when you're pressure washing so that you don't rush through the job or damage your patio or deck.

Takeaway: Pressure washing your patio is something that you should generally do once a year whether you have a grill or not, in order to prevent any buildup of dirt, grime, and grout cleaners. The best time to pressure wash your patio is right before the winter months when you don't really need it. This will ensure that it's ready for the coming summer months and ready for entertaining.

Are You Looking for a Pressure washer in Essex, MD?

Are you looking for a Pressure wash deck in Essex, MD? We are a family-owned business that provides professional pressure washing services throughout the state of Maryland. Our contractors are trained to clean decks, fences, gutters, and all of your exterior surfaces at affordable prices. Contact us today!

Mr. Clean Power Washing, LLC
3 Harko Ct, Essex, MD 21221
(443) 619-3133


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